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5 superfood you shouldn’t skip

Updated: Jun 23, 2021

Hi welcome to 5 super foods you shouldn't skip.

Firstly ,you shouldn't skip out on fruit and veggies .They will provide you vitamins and minerals .Also ,keep your bones strong .Always go for a blend of variety of color .Tomatoes are good for the heart .Celery is good for the bones .Bananas and apples are great for potassium and magnesium.

Secondly ,protein never skip out on protein .Fish provides a lots of omega-3.That is good for the brain functioning .Protein provides a lot of iron. Like pork ribs their is no nothing you can use from it.

Thirdly ,carbohydrates you can get these from foods .Like rice and pasta these are loaded with carbs .To give you a lot of energy for the day.

Fourthly ,milk does your body a great thing. By giving you healthy bones that are strong. Either it's powdered or from a jug.

Lastly ,all these foods can make you healthy and strong .To make you live a healthier life. Along with plenty of exercise of course just always remember that.

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